
Modern Christian teachings do not explain the full meaning of Messiah’s words when He said, “An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign shall be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet; for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” Matthew 12:39-40.  If it ever troubled you, that a Friday crucifixion with a Sunday morning resurrection does not add up, to three days and nights, here is an explanation.

In the fourth century, Christianity severed its Jewish/Hebraic Roots from the foundation of the faith. In doing so, today’s Christians also lost the understanding of God’s calendar. When modern people read the Gospels, they do not understand that there are three Sabbaths in the week of Passover, or the Feast of Unleavened Bread, two annual Sabbaths, as well as the weekly Sabbath. Putting everything back in the Hebraic context of Scripture, by honoring the Torah [law or instructions of God], one can now see how Messiah Yeshua could be buried before the first annual Sabbath, and still remain in the tomb, to fulfill the sign of Jonah. In the year 30 A.D. the Biblical Holiday the First Fruits of the barley harvest commenced exactly three days and nights after Messiah was placed in the grave. The entire three days and nights had to be fulfilled, but Yahweh didn’t delay in bringing forth His Bread of Life from the earth. At the end of the weekly Sabbath, at the beginning [dawn] of the first day of the week [sundown Sat. night], Messiah was raised from the grave. Proof that He was not raised at sunrise is that it was still dark when the women found the stone rolled away. Isn’t God’s timing incredible! He keeps His dates [times or in Hebrew moedim] with his people. May we all be on time for our date the King this upcoming holiday season.